Scott Thigpen


Scott Thigpen

It is important to have a strong understanding of the technical skills and processes required to create visually stunning and believable environments. One of the most important aspects of this process is the use of references to study and understand the subject matter. This was particularly true for a recent project I worked on, which required me to study and create a realistic rainforest environment.

To create the desired feel and atmosphere for the scene, I spent a lot of time studying different types of trees, landscapes, props, and environments. This included researching different types of vegetation that are commonly found in the rainforest and looking at reference images to understand how they grow and interact with their surroundings.

One of the most challenging aspects of this process was creating the trees. I needed to make sure that they looked believable and fit in with the environment. To achieve this, I studied the different shapes and forms of trees, as well as their textures and colors. I also looked at how the trees interacted with the light, and how they were affected by the weather and other environmental factors.

I also studied the boat and other props that would be used in the scene. This helped me to understand how they would fit in with the environment and how they would be affected by the lighting and other environmental factors.

The final version of the trees, the boat and the environment were a result of all the hard work I put into the references. With the help of the references, I was able to create a believable and visually stunning environment that was true to life. It was a fun and challenging process, but I believe that the end result was worth it.

In the animation industry, the research and references are crucial for the success of the project. Without the proper research and references, it would be impossible to create a believable and visually stunning environment. I always take the time to study and understand the subject matter, as it helps me to create the best possible results.